Back Country HorsemenTrailhead CampingJillian C.July 8, 2021July 8, 2021 by Jillian C.July 8, 2021July 8, 20210529 By: Ken Carmichael I drafted this article in my head as I had a great ride on the BLM Escure property roughly 25 miles south...
Baxter BlackAudio Book Review Rodeo Re-Ride 3 Audiobook CollectionJillian C.July 8, 2021July 8, 2021 by Jillian C.July 8, 2021July 8, 20210915 by Baxter Black Reviewed by Bob Howdy, PhD One moment please—while I rave about Baxter Black’s Audiobooks. Over three decades ago, in our...
Health & WellnessWest Nile Virus and Your HorseJillian C.July 8, 2021July 8, 2021 by Jillian C.July 8, 2021July 8, 20210941 By: Freya Stein, DVM, McKinlay & Peters Equine Hospital West Nile Virus has appeared in the Northwestern horse population. These are the first horses in...
Baxter BlackThe Cowboy WayJillian C.July 8, 2021July 8, 2021 by Jillian C.July 8, 2021July 8, 20210791 By Baxter Black, DVM A good cowboy will go beyond the call of duty and even put himself in harm’s way to help a suffering...
Training & ServicesConnect the Steering – Bridle UpJillian C.July 8, 2021July 8, 2021 by Jillian C.July 8, 2021July 8, 20210778 Could this be the month of July? We are already halfway through the year. I’ve been privileged to teach a couple of amazing One Day...