
Gallop’s Annual Charity Stallion Services Auction

Do not miss this year’s GallopAnnual Charity Stallion ServicesAuction on Sunday, January 31, 2021at Northern Quest Resort & Casino’sFamily Pavilion in Airway Heightslocated just west of Spokane!
The Auction is offering an incredibleline up of stallions from all over theUnited States with breeding feesranging from $500 to $4,100 perservice. This year’s line-up includesCongress & National Champions, andWorld & Reserve World Champions.More than half of the line-up are WorldChampions, while many are LeadingSires in the horse industry.

Photo by Becky Schmidlkofer

The Gallop doors open at 11am,and the Opening Ceremony startsat 12 Noon. You are welcome toattend in person at the event.Northern Quest Resort and Casinois following Covid-19 practices. Youwill be required to wear a mask. Werecommend you bring your own, ordisposable masks will be provided aslimited supplies are available. Onceinside the pavilion tables will be amplebut anticipate limited seating at eachtable to accommodate distancing.Hand sanitizers and wipes will be oneach table.

Important… remember that youcan watch and participate in biddingfrom your computer in the comfortsof your home as Gallop streams liveon Pacific Standard Time. Simply getonline and go to www.GallopAuction.com. A toll-free number will be postedaround 10:00 AM (PST), where GallopOperators will be available to answeryour questions and assist you inbidding. The toll-free number postedon the website will allow for Nationaland International bidding. For thoseattending you will find available ourSouvenir Programs, bidding Numbers,and Silent Auction Tables up andrunning.

The Gallop Annual Charity StallionServices Auction and RonaldMcDonald House Charities of theInland Northwest look forward to yourparticipation online or attending onSunday, January 31, 2021 for our 38thAnnual Gallop Event!

For further information about theevent, contact Gallop Coordinator,Barbara Turner, 509-990-4167.

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